Archive for the ‘Rice Recipes’ Category

Chorizo Rice

I was checking our pantry the other day and found some old canned goods. I saw a Pure Foods’ Chorizo de Bilbao which was like a year old already. It says that it will expire by November 2009 and thinking that it will expire sooner than later. I decided to do something about it. So often than not, I use this chorizo for making paella, however; I didn’t have my oven that time and my paella pan was nowhere to be found. So, I thought of just making this simple chorizo rice dish. Continue reading

Chocolate Rice Pudding with Sabayon and Bacon *Champorado*

It took me awhile to make a new post because the internet at home was dead for some time. Anyhow, at least my net is up again and time to write about what I have made during this cold weather.

I wanted to make something appropriate with the cold weather for my snack in the afternoon. Then, I found some left over cocoa tablets in our pantry so I thought of making a chocolate rice pudding out of it – champorado. Continue reading